Features’ Highlight

All food & beverage business requires speed. A slow operation is the enemy of a successful operation. We assure you that speed won’t be a problem for your operation.
In this competitive industry having the most accurate data of your establishment is a necessity to run a profitable business. Great quality pos feature and reporting is surely a way to control not only your expenses on quality ingredients but also do food cost control to make as much as profit as the business can. The system offers the most convenient way for you to manage your inventory.
Your Data on Demand

Having numeric insights to your business is mandatory.
From knowing your total sales to which employee served a certain guest, Table turn reports, Chef reports, Average per check / pax and etc. The POS system has numbers of KPI (Key Point Indicators) that it can render.
A great and effective marketing strategy is to collect data of your customers. Know your target market and announce different discounts or events that suit your target market. Collect their email addresses to reach out via direct marketing and so much more.

SIS POS Benefits

Overall the SIS POS system will help to improve your productivity, thus helping you to cut costs, create effective marketing strategies and hopefully make your business more profitable.
We are the most experienced POS vendor in the market. Proven with over 6,000 customers in Malaysia.